Friday, January 13, 2012

Halloween Costumes!!! How exhaustingly fun they are to make....

All the kids at the Beasley Elementary Halloween Carnival (Ursala, Batman, Mermaid and Owl were handmade by myself and my BFF Shayna) 
 So it all started sometime in July when I asked the girls what they wanted to be for Halloween, little did I know what I was getting into when this question was asked.... Catherine's costume was finished in one evening for about $5, Daphne's on the other hand was a challenge because I wanted it to be reversible....big oops on my about 2 days later, I was done and even after buying the shirt for her shells (aka boobies) I only spent roughly $9 on hers.  I had a wig that my mom gave me for Ursala's hair and an entire bottle of Aquanet later, it stood up very nicely. 
Catherine, mmmm I mean Ursala, used a wig to make her hair stand up.... and ALOT of Aquanet....ALOT 

Catherine won 1st place in the costume contest for her age group, Mommy is happy ;)
I was super excited that she won, it's really cool that she now has her first trophy....and in a way I won too...

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