Friday, January 13, 2012

Catherine goes off to Kindergarten!

I has been forever since I have updated our blog!  WOW so much has happened in the past few months that I dont even know where to begin.....Since there is so much, I will break it into several so this isnt one BIG post....

So, lets start with Catherine starting Kindergarten!!!! I cannot believe that I have a child that is old enough to be in SCHOOL!!!! And whats crazy is now that shes in school, time has been flying by ridiculously FAST!  Hence why I have not been on in awhile....But anyways, she is doind so well in school and is excited that shes a big girl who goes to a big school. 

On a side note, Daddy is pretty excited that she is going to the same school him and his sisters went to as kids.  The secretary at the school has been there for some 40 years and recognized his name and went on to describe him and his sisters, from nearly 20 years ago! So far, I like what I am seeing and I hope that her next report card continues to reflect that she is doing so well!!

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