Friday, January 13, 2012

Holiday Season

We had brunch with Santa at the Tavern in Luling, Daphne was sicky and slept through most of our visit..
They got to ask him all the questions they've ever wondered about him.  We found out that his favorite cookie is oatmeal raisin and that if you don't have a chimney, he makes a key out of magic....He was super cool and really had Catherine questioning the fact that I told her he was fake.
Catherine at Snow Day!

Daphne at Snow Day, this was when it first opened and it was already slushy, snow does not do well in Houston
 We played in "snow" at the Houston Museum of Natural Science.  Too bad it was warm enough outside for the girls to wear their tshirts and gloves.  These poor kids hardly know what snow is, they think it only comes on Christmas.
The girls and Santa at HMNS, There was a reindeer and everything.  Super Cool!

This is from last xmas, but never got put on here, too cute to pass up...

Also from last year...

Outfits I made the girls, I just love them!  The girls wore this on the xmas card we sent out this year.

Thanksgiving in East Texas, I appliqued the turkey on each of their shirts....I love this picture so much! The girls love going up to East Texas, there's so much to see and do there!! 

Misc. things I've made...

Burp cloths I made for my new niece, Amelia or Milly as they call her....Making many, many more currently for a craft show next month

These were so flipping lasagna with potatoes inside....

I love this bow, was my favorite Halloween bow I sold this year....

Halloween Costumes!!! How exhaustingly fun they are to make....

All the kids at the Beasley Elementary Halloween Carnival (Ursala, Batman, Mermaid and Owl were handmade by myself and my BFF Shayna) 
 So it all started sometime in July when I asked the girls what they wanted to be for Halloween, little did I know what I was getting into when this question was asked.... Catherine's costume was finished in one evening for about $5, Daphne's on the other hand was a challenge because I wanted it to be reversible....big oops on my about 2 days later, I was done and even after buying the shirt for her shells (aka boobies) I only spent roughly $9 on hers.  I had a wig that my mom gave me for Ursala's hair and an entire bottle of Aquanet later, it stood up very nicely. 
Catherine, mmmm I mean Ursala, used a wig to make her hair stand up.... and ALOT of Aquanet....ALOT 

Catherine won 1st place in the costume contest for her age group, Mommy is happy ;)
I was super excited that she won, it's really cool that she now has her first trophy....and in a way I won too...

Cakes I've made recently....

Pumpkin Cake for Catherine's birthday, best cake so far...

Cornucopia Cake for Thanksgiving, very pretty
Cars Cake for my nephew, was not perfect but at least it's recognizable...
Smurf cupcakes for a freind's daughter....marshamllow frosting is very hard to keep UP in SUMMER!

Catherine goes off to Kindergarten!

I has been forever since I have updated our blog!  WOW so much has happened in the past few months that I dont even know where to begin.....Since there is so much, I will break it into several so this isnt one BIG post....

So, lets start with Catherine starting Kindergarten!!!! I cannot believe that I have a child that is old enough to be in SCHOOL!!!! And whats crazy is now that shes in school, time has been flying by ridiculously FAST!  Hence why I have not been on in awhile....But anyways, she is doind so well in school and is excited that shes a big girl who goes to a big school. 

On a side note, Daddy is pretty excited that she is going to the same school him and his sisters went to as kids.  The secretary at the school has been there for some 40 years and recognized his name and went on to describe him and his sisters, from nearly 20 years ago! So far, I like what I am seeing and I hope that her next report card continues to reflect that she is doing so well!!