Tuesday, July 12, 2011


So when my three year old said that she wanted a SNAKE themed party, I was excited because I love snakes and I was so glad that she was turning into the tomboy that once was myself... Then I saw that theres is NOTHING for snake parties on the internet and NOTHING remotely coordinating with that theme.  I was left to my own imagination on this one... So I found a few sites that had awesome snake cakes but had NO description on how to make it, so I decided to make my own and hope for the best.  Now I have a really supportive husband when it comes to most things; however, he had ABSOLUTELY no faith that I could pull this off, boy did I show him wrong!!!!
I got the best compliments on this cake and I cannot believe that I actually pulled it off and the cool part is, it actually tasted pretty darn good for a day old fondant cake ;)
Tutorial to come soon on how we made it
Here is what it looked like on the inside

HEEHEE it was much fun making this cake, it was cool on ALL sides

1 comment:

  1. You did an amazing job on the cake wish i could of seen it for real!!! oh well maybe your next cake!! =D
