Sunday, July 17, 2011

The love of a YoYo!

So as many of you know or have noticed, I am in love with yoyos. Not the ones you sling around on a string, but the ones our grandmothers used to make blankets and little decorative flowers on things we would now consider smelly antiques. I love how simple they are to make, how cute they are on a hairclip for young and old alike, and how versatile they are when it comes to crafting with them. I have included a few photos of the things I have made with these awesome accessories for our walls, hair and necks :)

This one has a tulle "poof" on the back of it but it would not photograph well.

I have gotten more compliments on this necklace than anything I have ever worn...

This was a housewarming gift I made for my BFF Shayna, needless to say, she loved it!

Another of my yoyo bib necklace

I am now working on one of these for myself then onto making one for everyone for Xmas....
I will be experimenting more and more with the yoyo as well as my embroidery.  If you cannot afford an embroidery machine, one must learn to do it the old fashioned way...and in my opinion, more ecclectic lookin!